Web Developer.
Development of Web App for Mobile Devices with PHP for the Front-End server and CSS3,JavaScript/jQuery and other plugins.
For the Back-End we use NodeJS with Express JS for the API and MSSQL Server for the DataBase.
In the project we use some services through APIs and WebServices.
API Serverless Development with Azure Functions and NodeJS for Twilio APIs services.
Web Developer.
Develop and maintain Web App used in the institution, is developed with PHP with a custom framework, we use MySQL for DataBase, JavaScript with jQuery for the Front-End with IndexedDB.
My current rol in the team is more DevOps in a certain way, I am in charge of all the server and the current task in migrate all bare metal server to the new master server with Docker Containers and migrate PHP and MySQL to version 8 with future plans to break the system in microservices.
Web Developer.
Develop and maintain Tuukuul.net web application, we use PHP (CodeIgniter) for the Back-End with MySQL for the DataBase. I developed the Back-End for the majority of the functionality of the Web App like the WorkGroups function, the API for the IONIC App (Android version developed by me), I coded a dropbox like funcionality for the WorkGroups section.
We developed a section for pappers, the main function of that section was share academic pappers with the network with tags, with this other users with the similar interest (tags in profile and tags in liked papers) will see your paper whitout have you in your inner circle.
Web Developer.
Finish the development of a Web Application for a podology clinic franchise, the Back-End was coded with PHP (CodeIgniter) with MySQL for the DataBase and VueJS (without webpack, just like a library) for the Front-End.
Web Developer
Full Stack Web Developer with MySQL and PHP (CodeIgniter, jQuery, Bootstrap, etc). Consultant in software techniques and best implementation.
Web Developer
Developing Web Applications on PHP and C# with MySQL and SQL Server.
Software Engineer
Web Development for Web Application to show and control fuel pumps custom system. Develop main module for fuel pump control System with Java and RMI.
Web Developer
Develop a web module for the papers and thesis participation in the given year to rank their NRS level of the scientific personal.
Web & Software Development.